Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a bigger kitchen?
We’ve all heard that point at least 1000 times. But it’s true, the house we often buy isn’t perfect and sometimes the house we build we can often outgrow or our circumstances can change. Renovations can be quite stressful and if not planned correctly; significantly more expensive than just building from scratch. If you’re thinking of an addition or a renovation then give us a bell and we’d be more than happy to pop around and see what is possible with the space that you have. We’re also quite well versed in what the council (bless their hearts) want and can guide you to maximise your outcome.
Often the areas people want to renovate or extend are the areas the spend the bulk of their time in. The Kitchen, the living room or even adding a bedroom or converting the garage to a bedroom / sleepout. It’s not a simple as swinging a hammer, based on the project you may require excavation, engineering and more. All of these things can have some underlying nasty surprises. So before you commit to anything, talk to our trusted team of senior builders and let us guide you on how to best get what you want without a surprise budget blowout.

Let’s talk.
All good things start with a good cuppa. We’ll bring the Coffee and let’s talk about building your forever home, giving you the Kitchen you’ve always wanted or building that custom bunk bed for your 7 year old boys who are going on 45.